Sunday 7 May 2017

Redesigning our learning spaces - the shark tank

Part 1 can be found here
Part 2 can be found here

What else can I say, the teams were

The be honest everything seemed a bit rushed, we asked the teams to meet in their own time and do some extra work, there was a weeks holidays and before we knew it the Shark Tank session was here. Would the groups be ready? Would their ideas be any good? What would the shark tank think? I know I was a bit nervous about the entire process.

To be honest I had nothing to worry about the teams were incredible, each of them had a different slant on their learning space, each of them did lots of work and they all presented their ideas creatively and professionally. One of the big pluses was that the teachers stepped back and let the students present.

The rules were as follows
The goal of the presentation is to sell your idea for your new learning space, remember we are trying to generate ideas for and there is every chance your ideas will be used.

There will be no winner, although if you want to claim bragging rights (and maybe be first in line for an innovative learning space) you will have to do a super job.

Each team will have a maximum of three minutes to pitch their idea to the shark tank, you will have access to a data projector, anything else you want to include (dance music, lifesize 3D models, treats) you will have to provide yourselves.

The shark tank will then have 1-2 minutes to deliberate then another 1-2 minutes to give feedback.

Each presentation and feedback will take 5-10 minutes, that way we should be finished by 4pm.

We will use a random draw for the order of presentations.

Team 1
The Drama room
light and sound system
flexible seating
curved bench
portable stage
chill out / cave areas

Team 2
Level 7 Design Room
a stressless environment
sofa, bean bags - comfortable areas
air freshener
laptop tables / trays
standing long desk
basketball bin

Team 3
DP Lounge
hands on interactive paper presentation
flexible multipurpose space
glass concertina doors
portable data projector 
effective use of space

Team 4
Level 6 Common Spaces
flexible furniture
no clear path through the area
use of corners as social areas
TV / data projector to practise presentations etc
sound system
laptop charging cupboard
plants to look good and improve air quality
add extra ceiling fans for more natural cooling
have the same set up in two areas of the school

Team 5
Science Corridor

turn the science hallway into a learning space
for many students it is the first part of the school they see every day
how can the hallway be brought to life
add nature to the hallway - fish / plants / incorporating art
find plants that need low light
a series of fishtanks where fish can travel from tank to tank in tubes like a series of cells
seating so people could hang out here and get some nature

What now?
The response from the Shark Tank and the other groups was overwhelming positive. The big questions everyone is asking is where to now? What is happening with these super ideas?

The Leadership team is very keen to move ahead with some of these ideas, their only question was how much consultation was done? Who was included? and Who else needs to be included?

So that is our next task, exploring some of these ideas and then consulting with more users and budget holders and then hopefully improving some of our learning spaces. It all looks very positive and lets hope is remains this way.

Of course once we have these super new learning spaces I will share them here.

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